Well it's 2 o'clock in the afternoon and Reese is taking a nap so I was finally able to take a shower. During those few quiet minutes I had to myself I started thinking about all of the things I still needed to do. There are dishes in the sink, the house needs dusted and the carpets need vacuumed. I have a pile of laundry that needs folded and a few other little projects that need to be finished. I started to get a little overwhelmed until a thought came to me, "What is more important?" I would love to be Super-Mom and have a spotless house while taking care of a 7 week-old baby, but when it comes down to it there's only so much time in the day and I don't have unlimited energy, so what is more important? Then I check on my sweet little boy in his crib and I realize that he doesn't care if there's laundry on the bed or if the bookshelves are dusty. He's not going to do a white-glove check before he can be content to sit and play with me. Four years down the road when I've dropped him off at his first day of preschool, I don't want to look back and have my fondest memories be how clean my house was when friends came to visit or having dinner perfectly prepared each night. I want my memories to be filled with precious moments I had with my baby, reading to him, playing with his toys, or even quiet times just holding him. Those memories will last so much longer than remembering how often I had time to dust. I have a sweet baby who is healthy and happy and will never have to doubt how much he is loved. Nothing is more important than that.