Tuesday, July 31, 2012

3 months...I can't believe how time flies!

I haven't written in so long and the longer I go without writing the more overwhelmed I get with how much I need to catch up on, and the more I put it off.  Needless to say, a lot has happened with our little family...I don't even know where to start! And I'm going to warn you right now, there will be a picture overload!

Reese is such a blessing in our lives!  Everything has changed, for sure, but I wouldn't change it back.  He is the sweetest boy! He's a great sleeper...he started sleeping through the night at about 5 weeks old and now he goes to bed around 8:30 and wakes up anywhere from 8:30 to 10 or 11 in the morning! And on top of that he's a good napper...just lay him in his crib and he'll sooth himself to sleep.  So we definitely can't complain in the sleep department :)  The only worry I do have is that he loves his thumb, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

Reese is such a happy little guy!  He's smiling and giggling all the time.  When he wakes up I can hear him talking and cooing...my favorite sounds!  Don't get me wrong, if he's mad he'll let you know.  He's at his best when things are more consistent.  But for the most part he's a very content little baby.  The first time he really giggled was around the same time as my birthday and I almost cried I was so excited!  It was the sweetest thing I had ever heard.

Over the last couple weeks Reese has developed a love for WalMart that I just don't understand, but I am grateful because trips to the store would be a lot more miserable if he didn't like it.  It may be the lights or just all of the different things there are to look at but for some reason he squeals and smiles almost the whole time we're there!

          Another  thing I love about Reese are those beautiful baby blues!  How can you not fall in love with those eyes!  He got them from his daddy for sure :)

Speaking of Morgan, he is the best dad!  I love watching him play and interact with Reese.  Seeing them together just melts my heart.  One thing that has been a big adjustment (more for me than for Morgan) is taking on the role of being a parent and taking care of a dependent little one, but still working on our relationship at the same time.  It's a harder balance than I thought it would be.  Now that Reese goes to bed earlier it's a little easier to have some time to ourselves but we've still had to get creative for our dates.  Reese has been going through a little bit of a separation anxiety phase so I feel bad leaving him with sitters, plus our budget is a little tighter than it used to be :) So the other night we pulled our mattress out into the living room for a sleepover/drive-in movie night and it was really fun! I'm thankful for such a loving (and patient) husband!

Well it's about time to call it a night.  Just a few more pictures...this kid and his facial expressions...he cracks me up! Here's a few of my favorites :)

I never realized I could love two boys so much but I wouldn't trade these two for anything in the world!  The only thing I wish I could do was freeze time so it wouldn't go by so fast.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Changing my priorities

Well it's 2 o'clock in the afternoon and Reese is taking a nap so I was finally able to take a shower.  During those few quiet minutes I had to myself I started thinking about all of the things I still needed to do.  There are dishes in the sink, the house needs dusted and the carpets need vacuumed. I have a pile of laundry that needs folded and a few other little projects that need to be finished.  I started to get a little overwhelmed until a thought came to me, "What is more important?"  I would love to be Super-Mom and have a spotless house while taking care of a 7 week-old baby, but when it comes down to it there's only so much time in the day and I don't have unlimited energy, so what is more important?  Then I check on my sweet little boy in his crib and I realize that he doesn't care if there's laundry on the bed or if the bookshelves are dusty.  He's not going to do a white-glove check before he can be content to sit and play with me.  Four years down the road when I've dropped him off at his first day of preschool, I don't want to look back and have my fondest memories be how clean my house was when friends came to visit or having dinner perfectly prepared each night.  I want my memories to be filled with precious moments I had with my baby, reading to him, playing with his toys, or even quiet times just holding him.  Those memories will last so much longer than remembering how often I had time to dust.  I have a sweet baby who is healthy and happy and will never have to doubt how much he is loved.  Nothing is more important than that.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Reese Morgan Jensen

Our precious baby joined our family on April 26, 2012.  I was due the 28th but when my doctor asked if I wanted to be induced I said, "yes please!"  So after a sleepless night, Morgan and I headed to the hospital at 7 am and I was started on pitocin.  By 8, I was starting to have regular contractions. Our nurse Karen was wonderful and we found out that she was good friends with Morgan's aunt Tami.  Several hours later the contractions were getting pretty intense so she started me on iv pain medicine.  Morgan was so wonderful through everything!  He stayed right by me and when a contraction started he would rub my feet and legs and tell me how proud he was of me. I couldn't have asked for a better coach :) 

A couple hours later Karen told me I could have my epidural, which was always the part I was the most nervous about.  It seems silly but I'm not a huge fan of needles but I will say it wasn't near as bad as I ever thought it would be.  It was mainly just a lot of pressure.  Anyway once that kicked in, I was a happy camper.  It took a little longer for it to work on my right side so that was kind of interesting feeling contractions on one side of my body.  After the epidural Dr. Huggins came to check my progress and break my water.  Everything was right on track.  Then around 6 o'clock my epidural quit working and I started to really feel the contractions.  We tried upping the dose to my epidural and our nurse had the anesthesiologist come check things out.  Nothing worked so for the rest of the labor and the delivery I felt pretty much everything.  I was dilated to a 9 but I started to really feel the urge to push.  Dr. Huggins was with another patient so my nurse helped me push to get to a 10.  When the baby started crowning she called in Dr. Huggins.  During the last 15 minutes or so I remember feeling so exhausted, drained, and overwhelmed but on top of all of those feelings my main concern was for my baby and that he was going to be ok.  I can't even describe how amazing it felt to have that little angel placed in my arms.  It was such a special moment that I will never forget!  We're so grateful he made it here safe and sound.

Proud mommy and daddy :)

So in love!

Reese in his cute little hat one of the nursery nurses made him

Daddy and Reese 

All dressed and ready to go home!

Isn't he adorable??  We are so blessed and happy to have him as a part of our family!

Here's a sneak peek from his newborn photo shoot :)

Friday, February 10, 2012

3D ultrasound + thoughts on becoming a mommy :)

When Morgan and I went to our 20 week appointment to find out we were having a precious baby boy (yay!), they mentioned the option of doing a 3D ultrasound between 28 and 30 weeks and we thought, "I bet its amazing but there's no way we'll be able to afford that on top of everything". Then at my 26 week appointment I asked how much it would be and here is where I want to give a special shout-out to Dr. Margaret Huggins and her wonderful practice...they do it for free as long as you've been they're patient throughout your pregnancy. They said that they do it ask kind of a thank you for the ladies who did their 20 week ultrasound with them. There was more to it than that (but I had no clue what she was talking about) so I was just excited to have a chance to "see" our baby! Here's some of our favorites!

I know I'm biased but he is without a doubt the most beautiful baby I've ever seen! Those at those chubby cheeks and that perfect little chin!

Rubbing his eye :)

Apparently he likes to be curled up nice and tight...at first we couldn't really see his face because he was holding both of his legs up by his head. This shows his leg and little foot and his hand by his eye.

Precious tiny baby feet!

Isn't it amazing?? When Morgan and I first started trying to start our little family I remember promising myself that I was never going to be one of those pregnant ladies who complained all the time about how awful she felt, and while I've been blessed with a good and pretty easy pregnancy so far (knock on wood haha) I've tried really hard to stick to that. Sure the side effects aren't always super peachy, but when I start to feel like whining, I remind myself that I get to be part of one of the greatest miracles that we can experience in this life!

Morgan and I have shared with each other multiple times how grateful we've been for the two plus years we've had as just the two of us. And while it's different for every couple and it's between them when they want to start their family, I wouldn't trade these past two years for anything! Marriage definitely isn't easy; there's so much to learn about each other and there are so many obstacles you need to learn how to overcome together. I believe that this time together has helped better prepare us to become parents and now we couldn't be more thrilled about this little bundle of joy that's coming in less than 3 months!

It has been overwhelming emotionally, cleaning out the second bedroom and getting his furniture put together and moved it. It's hard to explain the anticipation, excitement, and fear that builds as it gets closer. I've started having doubts about knowing how to really care for a baby, thoughts like not knowing how to comfort him or being unsure of how to handle the challenges that come as he gets older. Then I realize that everyone has probably had similar fears. I won't be alone; I am blessed with incredible support all around me, the gospel, my wonderful husband, and great examples of mothers on both sides of our families. Every time this little guy wiggles around I am overwhelmed with love for him and excitement for the road ahead.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Baby update :)

Well here's an update on our little guy :) I'm 26 weeks along and as of our last checkup everything is looking great and he's growing right on schedule! He's plenty wiggly but not so much that I don't enjoy feeling him moving around :) It's been so fun to follow an online pregnancy calendar we found which gives us an idea of what's developing when. For example this week his eyes will open and he'll be able to cry and by next week he should be able to recognize his mommy's voice :) I've loved being able to read to him and to feel him wiggle in response. It really is such a miracle! And while being pregnant has it's discomforts, I love it and I'm so grateful to have the opportunity to help give life to something so precious! We still have about 14 weeks until we can meet our little man but I already love him more than I ever thought was possible.

A look at our baby at 20 weeks...such a doll!

Here's my bump at 25 weeks! I'm pretty sure I'll be a whale by the time he gets here since I don't really have anywhere for him to go but out :)

He still doesn't have a name yet but we have several in mind that we're trying out. I have a feeling we won't be able to decide on one until we see him :)