Thursday, May 10, 2012

Reese Morgan Jensen

Our precious baby joined our family on April 26, 2012.  I was due the 28th but when my doctor asked if I wanted to be induced I said, "yes please!"  So after a sleepless night, Morgan and I headed to the hospital at 7 am and I was started on pitocin.  By 8, I was starting to have regular contractions. Our nurse Karen was wonderful and we found out that she was good friends with Morgan's aunt Tami.  Several hours later the contractions were getting pretty intense so she started me on iv pain medicine.  Morgan was so wonderful through everything!  He stayed right by me and when a contraction started he would rub my feet and legs and tell me how proud he was of me. I couldn't have asked for a better coach :) 

A couple hours later Karen told me I could have my epidural, which was always the part I was the most nervous about.  It seems silly but I'm not a huge fan of needles but I will say it wasn't near as bad as I ever thought it would be.  It was mainly just a lot of pressure.  Anyway once that kicked in, I was a happy camper.  It took a little longer for it to work on my right side so that was kind of interesting feeling contractions on one side of my body.  After the epidural Dr. Huggins came to check my progress and break my water.  Everything was right on track.  Then around 6 o'clock my epidural quit working and I started to really feel the contractions.  We tried upping the dose to my epidural and our nurse had the anesthesiologist come check things out.  Nothing worked so for the rest of the labor and the delivery I felt pretty much everything.  I was dilated to a 9 but I started to really feel the urge to push.  Dr. Huggins was with another patient so my nurse helped me push to get to a 10.  When the baby started crowning she called in Dr. Huggins.  During the last 15 minutes or so I remember feeling so exhausted, drained, and overwhelmed but on top of all of those feelings my main concern was for my baby and that he was going to be ok.  I can't even describe how amazing it felt to have that little angel placed in my arms.  It was such a special moment that I will never forget!  We're so grateful he made it here safe and sound.

Proud mommy and daddy :)

So in love!

Reese in his cute little hat one of the nursery nurses made him

Daddy and Reese 

All dressed and ready to go home!

Isn't he adorable??  We are so blessed and happy to have him as a part of our family!

Here's a sneak peek from his newborn photo shoot :)