Monday, May 16, 2011

An always dreaded topic

Ok people...weight. I hate talking about it, I hate thinking about it, and I hate seeing it on a scale. Now before you go all intervention on me, I know I'm not obese. My blood pressure is good, no clue what my cholesterol is but I'm guessing not borderline heart attack or anything, and honestly the number I see on the scale really isn't that bad, especially compared to what it used to be. Growing up I was a twig...I could eat whatever I wanted and not gain a pound. But being the silly girl I was, I thought I was huge. I was self-concious and always compared myself to other girls. Looking back I kick myself for not appreciating how great it was not to have to exercise or watch what I ate and still be skinny. Then in high school I got up to 180 pounds...yup I'll admit it only because it's much better now :) I never thought I was really big, I honestly didn't really think about it at all.

First day of my Senior Year, 2006
I wore whatever clothes I wanted without even thinking "this would look better on someone skinnier". I might even go so far as to say I was more confident then just because I didn't think that I needed to lose weight, I thought I looked fine the way I was. I did have a few concerns about the "freshman 15" and all that because *duh* no one wants to gain weight right when they start college, when dating is for real and you're not going to class with boys anymore. I lucked out and actually lost weight my first year.
Then I started having problems with my feet (again...long story short, lots of surgeries and lots of time on crutches). My doctor put me on a steriod because he thought it was maybe rheumatoid arthritis. Never again will I go on that stuff. I felt terrible, I gained a weight, and my face was annoyingly chubby.

During college, 2008 (?)

Eventually I lost the weight and by the time Morgan and I were getting married I had plateaued at 150, which is where I'm at now.

Before: High school graduation, 2007

After: April 2011

Before: Senior Pictures, 2007

After: Hawaii November 2010
I feel better and I think I look better, but let's be honest, we always feel like we could lose a little bit more. I'm not so much focusing on the number of pounds I want to lose because that doesn't necessarily give a realistic idea of health with the whole "muscle weighs more than fat" stuff. I just want to lose some of my love handles and I want more tone to my arms and legs. I will say that I can portion control really well. I've learned to listen to my body and to stop before I'm stuffed. I drink lots of water and my job is pretty active but when it comes to real exercising I struggle! I love going for walks but those won't really help me get in better shape. I am going to start doing zumba and I want to throw some jogging in with my walks. But if anyone has any ideas or tips that help them I'm all ears! Happy exercising :)

Friday, May 13, 2011

A little about me :)

I started thinking today about some of my little quirks...then when I realized I had so many I decided it might make a fun post so here it goes :)

I believe that everything happens for a reason

I've never driven through a food or otherwise

I'm addicted to Caramellos

I carry all of my grocery bags in at once...even if my arm feels like it's going to fall off...because I hate going back to the car to get more

I'm also addicted to gum and paranoid about having bad breath

I have crazy scars on my feet and have never thought about trying to remove them...they remind me that I'm stronger than I think I am

I collect seasonal salt and pepper shakers

My taste in music would surprise you ;)

I love any movie with Cary Grant and/or Jimmy Stewart

I have to flip through all of my radio presets before I decide on which song I want to listen to...what if a favorite comes on and I listen to it but then I flip through and catch the end of a more favorite song? No bueno

When I was little I wanted to grow up and be Belle

My favorite restaurant is Olive Garden; I've probably been there about 30 times and I've only every ordered the cheese ravioli (with alfredo sauce) it's to die for!

I have a passion for reading

Mopping grosses me out...I would rather get down on my hands and knees and scrub the floor than push a dirty mop covered in dirty soapy grossness all over

I can fall asleep anywhere...literally

I would rather get a cavity filled on laughin gas only because I'm so scared of having a needle in my gums

I pretend that I'm crafty when really I'm just super jealous of the people who are

I love red roses

I never wanted to live in Idaho after I graduated, and I especially didn't want to marry a farmer; now look where I am, married into a farming family with an almost 100% guarantee of living just outside good ol' Idaho Falls and I'm so happy I was wrong :)

I refuse to wear orange

These are some of my favorite tv shows: Psych, The Office, Friends, 21 Jump Street, and MASH

When I eat things like m&ms or grapes, I have to have to eat them in an even number, two on both sides. I also have to keep the volume on the tv on any numbers that are divisible by another number...weird I know

I feel the inside of sweatshirts before I even try them on to make sure they're extra soft

I never thought I would get married...let alone marry the man of my dreams :)

I sing really loud in my car

I don't really enjoy watching America's Funniest Home videos because they make my body hurt

Sometimes when I kill a spider I worry that maybe they had babies they were taking care of and then I feel bad

I could eat popcorn 24/7

I hate doing the dishes but love doing the laundry

I love love love Musicals...I don't care how cheesy or unrealistic they may be, they make me happy

I cry when I hear about someone losing a child whether I know them or not

I love having my hair brushed

I'm scared of turning into a frumpy wife so I don't wear pajamas unless it's dark outside or I'm cleaning

I love bubble baths, candles and a good book after a long week :)

Take some time to explore yourself a little might learn something you never knew :)

Monday, May 9, 2011

A little thought for the day

Have you ever...

wondered how things have gotten so out of control, and then convinced yourself to just sit back and enjoy the chaotic ride?

felt like what you wanted was so far out of reach, but then just when you thought it was time to give up, it worked out?

wondered what you were doing wrong to deserve the trials you were going through until you realized that the lessons you could learn were irreplaceable?

had such a bad day that you wanted to just go to bed and wake up when it was over, but then one simple little thing made it all better?

looked back at your past mistakes and thought "what was I thinking?" and then realized it doesn't matter because where you're at now is so much better than you ever thought it could be?

Life is so full of disappointments and letdowns; bad hair days, bills coming when there wasn't any money to pay them, failed tests, flat tires, and days at work that make you want to quit. But despite all the bad things that might happen in a day, there is always a tender mercy, however tiny it might be, that is placed in your path to lighten your burden just a little bit. Look for those tender mercies in your day, and when you find one, try to pass that same happiness along to someone else. Beautiful things can grow in the most impossible places. Love the life you're're always more blessed than you may realize :)