Monday, May 16, 2011

An always dreaded topic

Ok people...weight. I hate talking about it, I hate thinking about it, and I hate seeing it on a scale. Now before you go all intervention on me, I know I'm not obese. My blood pressure is good, no clue what my cholesterol is but I'm guessing not borderline heart attack or anything, and honestly the number I see on the scale really isn't that bad, especially compared to what it used to be. Growing up I was a twig...I could eat whatever I wanted and not gain a pound. But being the silly girl I was, I thought I was huge. I was self-concious and always compared myself to other girls. Looking back I kick myself for not appreciating how great it was not to have to exercise or watch what I ate and still be skinny. Then in high school I got up to 180 pounds...yup I'll admit it only because it's much better now :) I never thought I was really big, I honestly didn't really think about it at all.

First day of my Senior Year, 2006
I wore whatever clothes I wanted without even thinking "this would look better on someone skinnier". I might even go so far as to say I was more confident then just because I didn't think that I needed to lose weight, I thought I looked fine the way I was. I did have a few concerns about the "freshman 15" and all that because *duh* no one wants to gain weight right when they start college, when dating is for real and you're not going to class with boys anymore. I lucked out and actually lost weight my first year.
Then I started having problems with my feet (again...long story short, lots of surgeries and lots of time on crutches). My doctor put me on a steriod because he thought it was maybe rheumatoid arthritis. Never again will I go on that stuff. I felt terrible, I gained a weight, and my face was annoyingly chubby.

During college, 2008 (?)

Eventually I lost the weight and by the time Morgan and I were getting married I had plateaued at 150, which is where I'm at now.

Before: High school graduation, 2007

After: April 2011

Before: Senior Pictures, 2007

After: Hawaii November 2010
I feel better and I think I look better, but let's be honest, we always feel like we could lose a little bit more. I'm not so much focusing on the number of pounds I want to lose because that doesn't necessarily give a realistic idea of health with the whole "muscle weighs more than fat" stuff. I just want to lose some of my love handles and I want more tone to my arms and legs. I will say that I can portion control really well. I've learned to listen to my body and to stop before I'm stuffed. I drink lots of water and my job is pretty active but when it comes to real exercising I struggle! I love going for walks but those won't really help me get in better shape. I am going to start doing zumba and I want to throw some jogging in with my walks. But if anyone has any ideas or tips that help them I'm all ears! Happy exercising :)


  1. okay first of all-YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL and I really don't think you need to worry about anything but we're girls and it's something that is basically always on our minds.

    second: ZUMBA is SOOOOOOO fun I started right after I had Aiden and It helped me loose the baby weight and plus is was just super fun, who doesn't like to dance around and shake their stuff, am I right? so if you need someone to go with I always like going with friends!

  2. zumba zumba! i feel that i talk about it so much, but its not overrated its fun fun fun! come and go! mondays thursdays and saturdays! its fun & pretty cheap! 3$ a class or 10 classes for 25! :] lets go! the other day was fun hanging out and we need to do it again! yup!

  3. I just started doing Zumba too. I love it. If you want some idea's on jogging, I've finished a 5k and I'm training for a 10k right now. Here's my blog let me know if you want ideas for training schedules. I've found quite a few that I like and I'd be glad to share them with you.
