wondered how things have gotten so out of control, and then convinced yourself to just sit back and enjoy the chaotic ride?
felt like what you wanted was so far out of reach, but then just when you thought it was time to give up, it worked out?
wondered what you were doing wrong to deserve the trials you were going through until you realized that the lessons you could learn were irreplaceable?
had such a bad day that you wanted to just go to bed and wake up when it was over, but then one simple little thing made it all better?
looked back at your past mistakes and thought "what was I thinking?" and then realized it doesn't matter because where you're at now is so much better than you ever thought it could be?
Life is so full of disappointments and letdowns; bad hair days, bills coming when there wasn't any money to pay them, failed tests, flat tires, and days at work that make you want to quit. But despite all the bad things that might happen in a day, there is always a tender mercy, however tiny it might be, that is placed in your path to lighten your burden just a little bit. Look for those tender mercies in your day, and when you find one, try to pass that same happiness along to someone else. Beautiful things can grow in the most impossible places. Love the life you're given...you're always more blessed than you may realize :)

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