Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Beginning

Ok so here's a little background...Morgan and I went to high school together but he's a couple years older so the only interaction we had was one dance when he was in my group. We even grew up about 5 miles away from each other! Then after his mission he added me on facebook and I accepted because I thought he was cute :) So we talked a little bit on facebook and he told me he added me because his uncle, (my bishop), Wayne Jensen told him about a nice girl that came from a good family. I'm glad he took the advice! Our first date was March 21st and from the beginning I could tell he was a reallly great guy. We "casually dated" for a while but spent almost every day together. He took me to Lagoon for my birthday, I spent time with his family in their cabin at Island Park, and he'd come over to my parent's house for FHE. Then on September 7th, after a weekend in Utah with my family, he asked if I wanted to go to on a walk around the river with him. I said hes and he asked me to come over to his parents house. I was a little confused because I was on the way but I went over. When I got there, he and his dad were gone fixing a pivot so I visited with his mom til he came back. When Morgan came inside, I noticed he had changed his shirt and smelled really good :) but I didn't think much about it. So we drove over to the river, but not to our usual spot. He took me to Snake River Landing and we walked to a pier overlooking the river. It was freezing and the wind was blowing so he let me wear his coat. We talked for a little bit; he seemed kind of nervous but I didn't think anything of it. Then he said, "Do you know how much I love you?" I didn't know what to say so I held out my arms and said, "This much?" He turned me around, got down on his knee, and I started to cry as he asked me if I would marry him. I was so excited he didn't even hear me say yes! Then, after he put the ring on my finger and I composed myself a little bit, we walked back to the car where there were a dozen roses in the front seat :) Yeah...he's that good. (Thanks Brittany!) When we went back home and told everyone the good news, I found out that while he was "fixing the pivot" he was really at my parent's house asking their permission to marry me. Needless to say I couldn't stop smiling all night and I had a hard time getting to sleep :)


  1. That is awesome, I had never heard the whole story. We are missing you guys! It will be nice to come home soon.

  2. Hurray for your blog!! I remember when you told me this story it was sooooo cute! Hope you blog much much more :)

  3. Lauren! I am so glad you started a blog! You are so cute, it was fun to read your proposal story. You two are so cute and I hope all is going well...Love ya much :)
