Friday, May 13, 2011

A little about me :)

I started thinking today about some of my little quirks...then when I realized I had so many I decided it might make a fun post so here it goes :)

I believe that everything happens for a reason

I've never driven through a food or otherwise

I'm addicted to Caramellos

I carry all of my grocery bags in at once...even if my arm feels like it's going to fall off...because I hate going back to the car to get more

I'm also addicted to gum and paranoid about having bad breath

I have crazy scars on my feet and have never thought about trying to remove them...they remind me that I'm stronger than I think I am

I collect seasonal salt and pepper shakers

My taste in music would surprise you ;)

I love any movie with Cary Grant and/or Jimmy Stewart

I have to flip through all of my radio presets before I decide on which song I want to listen to...what if a favorite comes on and I listen to it but then I flip through and catch the end of a more favorite song? No bueno

When I was little I wanted to grow up and be Belle

My favorite restaurant is Olive Garden; I've probably been there about 30 times and I've only every ordered the cheese ravioli (with alfredo sauce) it's to die for!

I have a passion for reading

Mopping grosses me out...I would rather get down on my hands and knees and scrub the floor than push a dirty mop covered in dirty soapy grossness all over

I can fall asleep anywhere...literally

I would rather get a cavity filled on laughin gas only because I'm so scared of having a needle in my gums

I pretend that I'm crafty when really I'm just super jealous of the people who are

I love red roses

I never wanted to live in Idaho after I graduated, and I especially didn't want to marry a farmer; now look where I am, married into a farming family with an almost 100% guarantee of living just outside good ol' Idaho Falls and I'm so happy I was wrong :)

I refuse to wear orange

These are some of my favorite tv shows: Psych, The Office, Friends, 21 Jump Street, and MASH

When I eat things like m&ms or grapes, I have to have to eat them in an even number, two on both sides. I also have to keep the volume on the tv on any numbers that are divisible by another number...weird I know

I feel the inside of sweatshirts before I even try them on to make sure they're extra soft

I never thought I would get married...let alone marry the man of my dreams :)

I sing really loud in my car

I don't really enjoy watching America's Funniest Home videos because they make my body hurt

Sometimes when I kill a spider I worry that maybe they had babies they were taking care of and then I feel bad

I could eat popcorn 24/7

I hate doing the dishes but love doing the laundry

I love love love Musicals...I don't care how cheesy or unrealistic they may be, they make me happy

I cry when I hear about someone losing a child whether I know them or not

I love having my hair brushed

I'm scared of turning into a frumpy wife so I don't wear pajamas unless it's dark outside or I'm cleaning

I love bubble baths, candles and a good book after a long week :)

Take some time to explore yourself a little might learn something you never knew :)


  1. I LOVE IT! I carry all the groceries in at once too! why waste energy going back for more when you can do it in one load! and you do bare a very strong resemblance to Belle! Loved the post!

  2. Love it lauren! I also eat m&m's and grapes in two's and the volume on the tv....yeah I'm with you on that one :)

  3. My dad use to call me Belle. Before Beauty and the beast ever came out. When the movie came out.... I seriously thought I WAS BELLE! :) haha

  4. That is awesome Lauren!! All those things are what make you who you are!! And you are amazing!!
