Thursday, December 15, 2011

It's a boy!!!!

Yes it's a boy! And we're so excited to see him in less than four months!! More to come later but for now...I'm just enjoying feeling our little guy moving around :) What an amazing experience! I can't wait to be a mommy!

Friday, November 11, 2011

A letter to me

I love November! I love the feeling of fall and the constant reminders to be grateful for all of my blessings! Today as I was coming home from work, Brad Paisley's song "A Letter to Me" came on the radio and I couldn't help but think of where I'm at in my life and all of the advice I wish I could have given to myself when I was in high school. If I could write a letter to me, it would go something like this...

Dear Me,

I want to start by saying I know what you're going through and I want you to know that it won't last forever, despite what you may think. You have wonderful parents, friends, and the blessings of the gospel to help you through your hard times. The hurt you're feeling will slowly fade, and it will be replaced by knowledge, compassion, and a greater appreciation of the Atonement. Life won't always be easy, but you're learning how to get through the hard times
and how to better recongize the precious moments life gives us. Forgiveness won't come easy; give yourself time and you'll know when you're ready.

In the meantime I want you to know you have so much to look forward to! Don't be in a rush to get married, enjoy college and roommates and when the time is right you'll know. You're husband will be more amazing than you ever hoped. He'll make you feel special and beautiful and safe. And when the time is right you two will be blessed with a beautiful baby. Until then, make the most of the time you have just the two of you. You'll create memories together and you'll learn to love and appreciate each other even more.

Here are a few more tidbits of advice...don't spend so much money on clothes, save more (trust me it'll come in handy). It's never worth the extra few points on a project to stay up all night working on it, try not procrastinating instead. Don't sweat the little stuff. Learn to go with the flow. Make the most of your job; the children you will work with are so precious and you have so much to learn from them! Remember, grandparents don't live forever; take advantage of your time with them. Ask lots of questions and remember the sweet things they do for you.

Embrace who you are and remember that your hurt won't last forever. You have a beautiful life to look forward to and a past that will help you become a better and stronger person.

With love,

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

A long time coming...

Well we finally made it to the doctor for our ultrasound. Our original appointment was about a month ago but we kept having to push it back because of harvest. I was so nervous...I'm not sure why I just was. But when we went into the room for the ultrasound and we saw our baby for the first time I couldn't hold back the tears. It was so incredible! I was amazed at how much we could see, the little arms and legs and a beautiful profile. Our baby looks absolutely perfect :) The tech even commented on how amazing it looked and asked if she could keep a couple to send in for some study at the hospital (I didn't understand most of what she said) but she said our baby was in the perfect position for what they needed. Isn't our baby beautiful!

It was such a wonderful, special experience and I'm so grateful to have an amazing husband to share it with. This journey started almost a year ago when he looked at me and said that he wanted to start trying for a baby. I had been hoping for a while that that was coming but I often tend to rush into things so I was waiting for a confirmation that he felt the same way. We were so sure that we would get pregnant right away and every month that it didn't happen got harder and harder. I started to think that maybe we were meant to adopt, that there were babies brought into the world that were meant to come to our home. I knew if that were the case I wouldn't have loved them any less but it broke my heart thinking about missing the special moments that come with pregnancy.

After so much fasting and prayer, countless blessings and tears, I knew that I needed some kind of answer. So when we went through the temple with Morgan's cousin and her husband, I kept my prayers in my mind and asked Morgan to do the same. After the session I asked him what he felt and we came to the realization that neither of us really felt anything in regards to our questions. I'll admit that I felt so frustrated and defeated. I was sure that the temple would hold our answer. On our way home we stopped to get some groceries and Morgan added a pregnancy test to the pile, (even though I asked him not to). The next morning, I felt inclined to take it. I was sure that the answer would be another let-down but sure enough I saw, very faintly, that second line. I was so excited I couldn't breathe and when I told Morgan I couldn't stop crying!

Since that day, I've still felt like sometimes it's just a dream. And while the nausea isn't fun and I'm not used to being so tired, those things along with my growing belly are beautiful reminders of the special gift that's coming to our home. It's amazing how much we love our baby already!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Yup :)

Ok I know what you're thinking and no I'm not posting a picture of me being chubby :) That's my 11-week baby bump! And we couldn't be more thrilled! It's been a long and emotional journey but the wait has made it that much more wonderful! I can't believe how blessed I am to be able to carry this baby and we're so excited for the adventures ahead!

Here's a couple of our baby pictures...I think ours will be pretty darn cute :)

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Oh it goes!

Wow I haven't been on here in so long! Not because I haven't had the internet or because I haven't had the time...I'm just lazy. Once I've waited too long I just get so overwhelmed by everything I have to write about that I put it off even longer! Can you say procrastination? Oh, well.

So we have had quite a few changes around our home, the first being that our home is in a new spot! We loved the little house we were in, especially because it was our own space with a fun yard but after multiple floods and a musky smell we couldn't get rid of, we started keeping our eyes out for a new place. We saw things once in a while but the biggest problem was our little Ellie wasn't invited :( and giving her up wasn't even an option! I mean how can you abandon this face??
I know this picture doesn't have anything to do with anything...I just think it's super cute :)
Then one day Wayne, (Morgan's uncle who also set us up...we still owe him), told a guy in Osgood that we were looking for a place which was great because he was looking for someone to live in the basement apartment of his grandparents huge house that he remodeled! (Sorry about the run-on sentence.) It actually turned out to be cheaper than where we were living because utilities are included. Morgan was super happy about that because it meant that I could stop being a electricity nazi to try and save money lol anyway we've been here for several months and we love it! It has a good spot for Bailey in the yard and Ellie loves running up and down the stairs in the entry way. Anyway we're hoping we'll stay put here for a while until we find something a little more permanent :)

Ok so I'm not a crafty person and I don't pretend to be but I decided to be daring. We found a coffee table at a garage sale for 20 bucks and it's been fine but I was getting tired of the plain oak color, escpecially with how pretty all our cabinets and cupboards look!

So I bought a dark gel stain, which was amazing because it went on easy and you don't have to sand a thing! Needless to say I'm pretty proud of myself :)

As for our last bit of good news...well you'll just have to wait for my next post! :)

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

I'm feeling...

Hot. Sweaty. Contemplatvie. Energized. Frustrated. Confused. Hopeful. Accomplished. Relaxed. Comfortable. Tired. Loved. Happy. At a loss. Optimistic. Stretched too thin. Overwhelmed. Confident. At peace. Blessed. In love.

(no wonder I have mood swings!)

Monday, May 16, 2011

An always dreaded topic

Ok people...weight. I hate talking about it, I hate thinking about it, and I hate seeing it on a scale. Now before you go all intervention on me, I know I'm not obese. My blood pressure is good, no clue what my cholesterol is but I'm guessing not borderline heart attack or anything, and honestly the number I see on the scale really isn't that bad, especially compared to what it used to be. Growing up I was a twig...I could eat whatever I wanted and not gain a pound. But being the silly girl I was, I thought I was huge. I was self-concious and always compared myself to other girls. Looking back I kick myself for not appreciating how great it was not to have to exercise or watch what I ate and still be skinny. Then in high school I got up to 180 pounds...yup I'll admit it only because it's much better now :) I never thought I was really big, I honestly didn't really think about it at all.

First day of my Senior Year, 2006
I wore whatever clothes I wanted without even thinking "this would look better on someone skinnier". I might even go so far as to say I was more confident then just because I didn't think that I needed to lose weight, I thought I looked fine the way I was. I did have a few concerns about the "freshman 15" and all that because *duh* no one wants to gain weight right when they start college, when dating is for real and you're not going to class with boys anymore. I lucked out and actually lost weight my first year.
Then I started having problems with my feet (again...long story short, lots of surgeries and lots of time on crutches). My doctor put me on a steriod because he thought it was maybe rheumatoid arthritis. Never again will I go on that stuff. I felt terrible, I gained a weight, and my face was annoyingly chubby.

During college, 2008 (?)

Eventually I lost the weight and by the time Morgan and I were getting married I had plateaued at 150, which is where I'm at now.

Before: High school graduation, 2007

After: April 2011

Before: Senior Pictures, 2007

After: Hawaii November 2010
I feel better and I think I look better, but let's be honest, we always feel like we could lose a little bit more. I'm not so much focusing on the number of pounds I want to lose because that doesn't necessarily give a realistic idea of health with the whole "muscle weighs more than fat" stuff. I just want to lose some of my love handles and I want more tone to my arms and legs. I will say that I can portion control really well. I've learned to listen to my body and to stop before I'm stuffed. I drink lots of water and my job is pretty active but when it comes to real exercising I struggle! I love going for walks but those won't really help me get in better shape. I am going to start doing zumba and I want to throw some jogging in with my walks. But if anyone has any ideas or tips that help them I'm all ears! Happy exercising :)

Friday, May 13, 2011

A little about me :)

I started thinking today about some of my little quirks...then when I realized I had so many I decided it might make a fun post so here it goes :)

I believe that everything happens for a reason

I've never driven through a food or otherwise

I'm addicted to Caramellos

I carry all of my grocery bags in at once...even if my arm feels like it's going to fall off...because I hate going back to the car to get more

I'm also addicted to gum and paranoid about having bad breath

I have crazy scars on my feet and have never thought about trying to remove them...they remind me that I'm stronger than I think I am

I collect seasonal salt and pepper shakers

My taste in music would surprise you ;)

I love any movie with Cary Grant and/or Jimmy Stewart

I have to flip through all of my radio presets before I decide on which song I want to listen to...what if a favorite comes on and I listen to it but then I flip through and catch the end of a more favorite song? No bueno

When I was little I wanted to grow up and be Belle

My favorite restaurant is Olive Garden; I've probably been there about 30 times and I've only every ordered the cheese ravioli (with alfredo sauce) it's to die for!

I have a passion for reading

Mopping grosses me out...I would rather get down on my hands and knees and scrub the floor than push a dirty mop covered in dirty soapy grossness all over

I can fall asleep anywhere...literally

I would rather get a cavity filled on laughin gas only because I'm so scared of having a needle in my gums

I pretend that I'm crafty when really I'm just super jealous of the people who are

I love red roses

I never wanted to live in Idaho after I graduated, and I especially didn't want to marry a farmer; now look where I am, married into a farming family with an almost 100% guarantee of living just outside good ol' Idaho Falls and I'm so happy I was wrong :)

I refuse to wear orange

These are some of my favorite tv shows: Psych, The Office, Friends, 21 Jump Street, and MASH

When I eat things like m&ms or grapes, I have to have to eat them in an even number, two on both sides. I also have to keep the volume on the tv on any numbers that are divisible by another number...weird I know

I feel the inside of sweatshirts before I even try them on to make sure they're extra soft

I never thought I would get married...let alone marry the man of my dreams :)

I sing really loud in my car

I don't really enjoy watching America's Funniest Home videos because they make my body hurt

Sometimes when I kill a spider I worry that maybe they had babies they were taking care of and then I feel bad

I could eat popcorn 24/7

I hate doing the dishes but love doing the laundry

I love love love Musicals...I don't care how cheesy or unrealistic they may be, they make me happy

I cry when I hear about someone losing a child whether I know them or not

I love having my hair brushed

I'm scared of turning into a frumpy wife so I don't wear pajamas unless it's dark outside or I'm cleaning

I love bubble baths, candles and a good book after a long week :)

Take some time to explore yourself a little might learn something you never knew :)

Monday, May 9, 2011

A little thought for the day

Have you ever...

wondered how things have gotten so out of control, and then convinced yourself to just sit back and enjoy the chaotic ride?

felt like what you wanted was so far out of reach, but then just when you thought it was time to give up, it worked out?

wondered what you were doing wrong to deserve the trials you were going through until you realized that the lessons you could learn were irreplaceable?

had such a bad day that you wanted to just go to bed and wake up when it was over, but then one simple little thing made it all better?

looked back at your past mistakes and thought "what was I thinking?" and then realized it doesn't matter because where you're at now is so much better than you ever thought it could be?

Life is so full of disappointments and letdowns; bad hair days, bills coming when there wasn't any money to pay them, failed tests, flat tires, and days at work that make you want to quit. But despite all the bad things that might happen in a day, there is always a tender mercy, however tiny it might be, that is placed in your path to lighten your burden just a little bit. Look for those tender mercies in your day, and when you find one, try to pass that same happiness along to someone else. Beautiful things can grow in the most impossible places. Love the life you're're always more blessed than you may realize :)

Friday, March 11, 2011

So blessed...

I haven't been on here for a while and I have no problem saying it's because I've had a bit of a bad attitude lately. Stressed about work, money concerns, sleep-deprived, the list goes on and on. I will also say that I absolutely realize that I really have no reason to complain and that's why I decided to write today. I don't have little ones keeping me up at all hours of the night, my job isn't loaded with dead-lines and life-altering appointments, and we aren't living with our parents or living off of government help, so really life isn't that bad. But even knowing that, I still allow myself to complain. Why? Because I haven't made the effort to find the good in everything that surrounds me. I'm going to again use the "problems" I listed.
First of job. It brings such great joy to my life! Some days I leave frustrated but most days I go home with such a joy in my heart that I can't begin to describe it to anyone but the people who've worked in similar situations. I am surrounded every day by children who were so special to their Father in Heaven, who had such pure, beautiful spirits, that they didn't need to come to this earth to prove themselves to anyone. Instead they were given the challenge of living with a body and/or mind that they struggle to control. And every once in a while, I am able to catch a glimpse of what our Heavenly Father sees in these little angels. That in and of itself is a huge blessing to me and something I won't want to give up any time soon.
Moving on to my second We are not broke by any means but there are things I miss, shopping being at the top of the list. I hate the feeling of living paycheck to paycheck and I hate hate hate owing money to anybody. But I will say that these last few months have been huge testimony builders to me of faith and tithing. We haven't found a wad of money in an envelope in our mailbox, our bills haven't magically disappeared. Money is still tight and the bills are still coming, but somehow, every month, we make it through when logically, there is no possible way we should have been able to.
My third emotional trigger is something very personal between Morgan and myself but I will say that it has tried my faith in more ways than one. Anyone who knows me knows I am impatient and Morgan knows that he tried that patience multiple times when we were dating and he wanted to take things slow. Now I'm realizing that this thing that I want more than anything is turning out to be another patience-builder. Some days I worry I'm being punished for past mistakes, other days I worry that it's because I'm not worthy of what I'm asking for. And then sometimes I feel that maybe this is going to be one of my life struggles, something that was meant for me, to help me learn and grow. If that's the case, I will not hesitate to accept it as part of my life, but I will not lie and say that I won't be devastated. Now, more than ever, I need to rely on the Lord and His plan for me and my husband, and trust with all my heart that everything will work out the way it's supposed to. One day at a time...

Monday, February 28, 2011

New Haircut!

Ok so I haven't had real bangs since junior high because I thought they made me look like a mom haha then I saw a friends picture on facebook who got some bangs and I decided I had to have some! What do you think?

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Things I love...

So with this month being all lovey, it got me thinking about simple things in my everyday life that I love and am so grateful for.

This is kind of a "duh" list but they obviously should still be mentioned...

my sweet husband!
the blessings of the gospel
having a roof over my head
my entertaining and rewarding job
my Ellie puppy
clothes in my closet and food in the cupboards
living in a free country

This list is things that aren't as important but still make me happy :)

free movie rentals at Walker's
when my hair curls the way I want it to
finding a shirt I love and THEN realizing it's on sale
thinking I have laundry waiting for me at home and then realizing I finished it yesterday
when Morgan says, "let's not go anywhere tonight...I just want to be with you" :)
when my hair curls exactly the way I want it to
curling up in a blanket and reading a book
drinking hot chocolate
that satisfied feeling after cleaning the house
going for a walk just to clear my head
making a list (I know it sounds ridiculous but it makes me feel so grown-up and responsible!)
taking a hot bubble bath
looking at old pictures
going to bed early (I'll be the first to admit that I'm getting old)
spending time with family
finding money in my coat pocket that I didn't know was there
getting fixed up just because I feel like it
seeing a bigger number on my paycheck than I thought
anything chocolate
cleaning out my wallet so I can close it again
saving money
being done with school!
seeing kids I work with succeed
laughing til I cry
crying just because
getting a phone call and seeing my husband's name
warm sheets right out of the dryer
smelling candles
having my hair brushed...
What are some simple things you love???

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentines Day :)

Well Morgan surprised me with my Valentines present early :) he built me three beautiful mirrors with wooden frames! I knew he was building something but had no clue what so it was a wonderful surprise. Here's a couple pictures...

I know...cheesy pictures :)

I'm so excited to hang them up! Now I just need to figure out where to put them. Morgan wants to stagger all three of them over our dresser in our bedroom but I kind of want them spread throughout the house. Ideas?

As far as my present to Morgan...a romantic evening starting with candlelight dinner :)

the centerpiece... a friend from deseret book gave me the candlesticks for my bridal shower and this was the first time I used them and it was so fun! I've always wanted to do a candle light dinner and it made it so romantic!

salad...nothing fancy but always yummy :)

I want to thank everyone who gave their input about which recipe to use. The chicken with cider and bacon sauce was the winner and it was a success! Here's the chicken before the sauce and turned out pretty good considering I'd never made it before, plus I'm terrible at multi-tasking while cooking!

ready for the first course :)

dessert! vanilla ice cream with raspberries and chocolate :)

he's the reason I'm so happy :) thank you sweetheart for marrying me!

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Ok so I failed a second time at posting every day but hey I'm trying! Today I love Morgan for two reasons, 1) because he's downstairs in our smelly basement finishing my Valentine's Day present so he can give it to me tonight because he doesn't want to wait til tomorrow :) We blew it last year too, we were both so excited we couldn't wait until Valentine's Day. This year his will have to wait...sorry! But it's adorable when he gets so excited to surprise me, even though I wish he wouldn't spend the money. I'm way cheap when it comes to holidays like this but he loves it! Don't get me wrong I love that he spoils me :) the second reason I love him is because this morning we spent an hour in bed just talking and enjoying relaxing together. I usually am up early and leaving by 7:30 so we don't get much cuddle time. But today was perfect :) I'm sure I'll be posting again soon!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day 10: I need cooking advice!

Ok so today I love Morgan because he motivates me to crazy as it sounds! I've never enjoyed cooking, I'd rather do laundry or clean the bathroom than be in the kitchen. This is partly because I have no practice but also because I tend to ruin anything I try to make without adult supervision. I do love cooking with Morgan; I think it's more fun that way. But for Valentine's day I've decided that since Morgan is impossible to buy presents for (not because there's nothing he wants but because it's all out of our price range), I'm going to make him a really nice, candel-lit dinner. He'd never expect it so it'll be a great surprise! But I do need advice...I've never done a nice dinner like this and I know it sounds cheesy but I want it to be really pretty. So I found a couple chicken recipes that sound yummy, but I can't decide which one, A: sounds better, and B: would be easier to make :) so here they are...

This is Chicken with Cider and Bacon Sauce

and here's the link for the recipe if you're interested:

OR Elegant Strawberry Chicken
I couldn't find a picture for this recipe but it has strawberries and pears so it sounds really pretty but is that too weird?
here's the link for this one:,1839,154179-252192,00.html

Anyway so if you have an opinion or a better recipe, I'd appreciate any help I can get!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 9: Is it just me...?

This has been on my mind the last few days and I'm wondering if other people have noticed the same thing in their relationships...after fighting and making up, do you love your "significant other" even more than you did before? We had a rough couple days last week...ok I had a rough couple days and he had to put up with them. Anyway long story short it kind of caused a rift between us, and unfortunatly we're both stubborn and neither of us likes to admit we're wrong so our disagreements (which are usually about nothing) last longer than they should. But after we finally sat down and talked about it and worked it out, I fell in love with him even more. Is this a common thing or is it just me?

This isn't the only time that my love grows for him, sometimes just this certain smile he gives me makes me fall for him and sometimes a kiss reminds me of our first kiss. But there's something about fixing a problem in our relationship that makes me realize how much I love and appreciate him, and how much I need him.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day 8 (I think i missed a few...)

Ok so I failed my first blogging challenge thing...we went to Island Park for the weekend and we didn't have the internet :( but I'm going to keep going anyway. Today I love Morgan because he makes me laugh. The last few days I've been really frustrated with a few things, money, school, our stinky house, etc. But even on my worst day, he still finds a way to get me to laugh, whether it's talking to me in his Donald Duck voice or just being silly. I'm also grateful that he's learned that sometimes what I need more than anything is for him to hold me while I cry. He's perfect for me in so many ways and I'm so thankful for such a wonderful sweetheart :)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

DaY tHrEe

Today I love Morgan because when I woke up he was holding my hand :)

:) nuff said.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 2!

Today I love Morgan because, as I look around our house, I see all the beautiful things he has made in the past and made for me since we've been married. He's incredibly talented and loves working with wood. Here's a few of the things he's made...

My beautiful clock! He gave me this for our first Christmas...needless to say I shed a few tears :)

Our nightstand in the living room (sorry it's sideways I couldn't figure out how to turn it around) the bottom picture is a view of the top, his first time creating designs using veneer.

I know this next picture isn't quite as elegant, but it's still sentimental :) when we were living in our first house in Osgood, it was winter semester and I was commuting to Rexburg every other day. Most mornings he would wake up early and make me breakfast and this is what I found in my oatmeal one morning :)

This is only the start of a long line of things Morgan has made that mean so much to me! Today this is one of the reasons I love him :)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

28 reasons why I love my lover :) Day 1

Every day for the month of February, I'm going to list a new reason why I love Morgan so much :) I know it sounds cheesy but today I love him because he loves me. I'll be the first to admit that I'm difficult and stubborn but he loves me anyway and I'm so grateful for that! He's the best thing that ever happened to me, and what's better is that I can say that every day!

I've been so blessed to have a husband who loves me unconditionally, and today that's one of the reasons I love him :)

Monday, January 31, 2011

Ellie, Graduation, etc.

Well now that I've finally gotten the Hawaii trip finished I can continue on with our frost-bitten lives back home. First off, we are finally starting to recover from the swimming pool that tried to take over our basement while we were gone. While the most emotional part was throwing away soggy wedding presents and pictures, along with the rest of my house decor that was in the basement, the smell has been even harder to get over! After countless bottles of febreeze, odo-ban, and several cans of extremely expensive cement paint, ourhouse is starting to smell bearable. Not that the work is over, next we are going to shampoo all our carpets and wash every single item of clothing to hopefully get rid of the last of the smell. It's been an adventure, one that I might laugh about...much later. :)

We do have a new addition to our family! No it's not a baby :) we're not quite there yet but I did convince Morgan to spoil me with another puppy! Her name is Ellie and I found her on where she was advertised by the Humane Society of the Upper Valley. They bring pets to Petco on Saturdays and it was love at first sight! She's a Lhasa Apso mix and so adorable! We've decided she looks like a little albino Ewok from Star Wars but we love her anyways :) She's very sweet and definitely has a personality of her own! For instance, when she gets too warm, she'll go lay on the tile floor on her belly. She'll follow me or Morgan around the house and wherever she goes, her toys have to come with her. So when we sit down to watch a movie, she'll go get her toy rope, bring it over by us, then go get her stuffed elephant and bring that in too. Then when we switch to a different room, she makes sure to bring her toys along. She loves riding in the car as long as she can sit on your lap and look out the window. The hair around her eyes grows really fast. Up until the other day it was so long she was running into doors so we figured she needed a trim. Now it's like she's living in a whole new world! She also likes to sleep on her back so her legs are all sprawled out. It's so funny!

Here's some more exciting news! I get to graduate in April! After a lot of frustrating calls and e-mails trying to figure out how I can graduate in one more semester, I finally went in to the student counseling center and they told me I've got enough credits to graduate with an associates in generals! I was originally going for a Special Education major, but after getting married I realized there was no way I was going to make it through three more years of school. I didn't want to wait that long to have kids and I didn't want to miss out on time with them because I was in class all day. So I decided to stick with generals, take classes that I really wanted to take and it worked out pretty well! (Not to mention that Morgan and I are both sick of Rexburg and all the problems we've had with BYU-I...shhhh don't tell.)

Well that's the latest news for us...more to come!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Hawaii finale!

So on our last full day, Morgan convinced us to rent some surfboards and hit the waves. He was so excited to go...

He and Tanner were the first out. About ten minutes later Morgan came back with his own personal souvenir...

He stepped on a sea urchin! Lucky for us, there was a girl nearby trained in first aid with a Melaleuca bag and all! He was going to be ok but had to sit out for the rest of the day :(

We all tried our hand at surfing. Tanner, Courtney and I were all able to get up on our knees. The waves were really high so they didn't carry us very far but Nikelle and Rhett were both able to stand so that was really exciting!

Go Rhett! He was so proud :)

There were so many more pictures I wish I could put up! We had such a great time and every time I have to scrape frost off my windshield in the morning I miss it even more. Everyone should get a chance to experience how amazing Hawaii is :)